A história sobre PatPat

A PatPat foi fundada em 2014 pelos amigos íntimos Albert Wang (CEO) e Ken Gao (COO) em Mountain View, CA. Albert & Ken ambos obtiveram seus mestrados na Carnegie Mellon University, em Pittsburgh, PA. Eles também trabalharam juntos como Engenheiros Principais na Oracle logo depois. Quando Ken estava esperando seu primeiro filho, ele descobriu que a indústria de roupas infantis carecia de opções funcionais e elegantes. Junto com o amigo, eles criaram uma plataforma de compras para as mamães encontrarem ótimas ofertas para elas e suas famílias, sem gastar muito tempo e dinheiro.

Our Mission: To Provide Cute, Quality and Great Price
PatPat makes outfitting your kids easy and fun! Our formula is simple: PatPat: Cute + Quality + Great Price = More Happy Moments. Whether it’s the first day at school, a play date, a day at home or a holiday moment. PatPat will keep you and all the family smiling. Simply, we offer a large assortment of cute, quality clothes at great prices so that families all around the world can have more joyful moments.
Why You Should Join in PatPat Wholesale

Apart from retailing high-quality clothing for moms and babies, we are extremely pleased to have small and medium business owners distribute our products in their communities. Here, you can find almost everything you can see on but at much lower prices. The more you buy, the bigger the volume discount would be. What's more important, if you have any questions with us, just email or Whatsapp us. You can always expect our reply within 24 hours. Just on PatPat Wholesale.

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